Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Free Signature Purple Paw Pin

Sign up HERE for The Animal Rescue Site's free e-newsletter, and to say thank you, we'll give you a free Signature Purple Paw Pin! Better still, we'll give an extra three bowls of food to rescued animals if you are a brand-new registrant!

Thanks to Stacy and Carol I have discovered America's Largest and Most Diverse
Animal Santuary! Black Beauty Ranch

You can CLICK HERE to feed the animals for free!

from Black Beauty Ranch:

Braveheart, the foal

Braveheart on the Mend

Braveheart on the Mend

Staffers at Cleveland Armory Black Beauty Ranch were shocked to find the sweet colt named Braveheart with a gaping wound, exposing the bone on his right hind leg.
Posted: 11/02/09

Forever Homes For Mustangs Becoming A Reality

Midnight was among 210 neglected and starving wild mustangs The Humane Society of the United States helped rescue late April from a Nebraska ranch.
Posted: 09/25/09
Mari Mariah and Josie Savannah, a mother and foal pair, were spared from slaughter when a judge closed down one of the last legal slaughter plants in the United States, a ruling from a longstanding lawsuit filed by The Fund for Animals and partners. The family now live at The Fund for Animals' Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Tex. ©2007 HSUS

Horse Rescue and Adoption Center Planned

The Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch will soon be home to a horse rescue and adoption center, thanks to the generosity of the Doris Day Animal Foundation.
Posted: 05/05/09
These long suffering horses were welcomed to an abundance of rolling pastures at the East Texas ranch. ©Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch

Horses Find Refuge on Texas Ranch

Four forlorn horses now call the rolling pastures of the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch home after spending years languishing on a farm that served as a graveyard for their mixed herd.
Posted: 04/22/09
Logan sleeps on his couch bed. ©2008 Gallegos/Marlow family

Logan, the Calf

Bottle-fed Cow Spared the Slaughterhouse

Logan was born on a cattle ranch and was headed for the slaugherhouse, but his fate changed when his mother died. He was bottle-fed and hand-raised by a family who wanted a different life for him -- a secure future.
Posted: 12/02/08

Burros enjoy the Texas grasslands at the ranch.© Walter Larrimore

In 1979, The Fund purchased 85 acres to house hundreds of burros rescued from the Grand Canyon. Today our Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch is a national animal sanctuary that has grown to 1,300 acres with four lakes and a dozen ponds and brooks. It is home to nearly 1,300 animals rescued from cruelty and abuse, including chimpanzees, burros, horses, bison, camels, and many others.

The ranch is a specialized operation located in east Texas. Open houses are held twice a year, when visitors can see the facilities and rescued animals first hand. Check back in the News section for actual dates. Even if you can't attend the open houses, there are many ways all year long in which you can help care for the animals, who will never again be forced to perform, entertain, or work.

  • Consider attending the special events held throughout the year by checking the News section of the website.
  • Volunteer by sending us an email which outlines your choice of giving tours, grooming the horses and burros, or promoting the ranch at public events.
  • Sign up to receive the free, electronic newsletter from The Fund for Animals.
  • Make a one-time donation or adopt an animal to help keep animals fed and the ranch going all year.
  • Please email us at blackbeautyinfo@fundforanimals.org if you have questions or comments about the Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch.

If you are a member of the media, please contact:
HSUS Department of Public Relations
Attn: Pepper Ballard
700 Professional Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Phone: 301.258-1417
Email: pballard@humanesociety.org

I am contacting Maeve now to see if they will take the tame Bison Cow.

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