Sunday, August 29, 2010

Teach Your Children Well with these Kid Freebies, Homeschooler Freebies

  1. Kids--Free Publications and "Buddy Brush" Coloring Book
  2. Kids--Free "Kid's Helping Animals" Magazine, Comics, Stickers
  3. Kids--Free "Teach Kind" DVDs, Comics, Stickers, Posters, Books
  4. Kids--Free Magnifying Glass Keychain, Coloring Posters, Bookmark
  5. Kids--Free "Energy Bears" Coloring Book from Maravilla Foundation
  6. Kids--Free "WiggleWorks" Software Demo CD from Scholastic
  7. Kids--Free "Get to Know Germany" Coloring Book and More
  8. Kids--Free "Toby the Train" Coloring Book from Norfolk Southern
  9. Kids--Free "The Get Going Gang" Coloring Book about Epilepsy
  10. Kids--Free "J. Slice Watermelon" Coloring Books ( 2 )
  11. Kids--Free "SunWise" Posters, Activity Books and Publications
  12. Kids--Free Safety Rangers Trading Cards ( ComEd and PECO area )
  13. Kids--Free "Sprinklerman" Coloring Book from USA Sprinkler Fitters
  14. Kids--Free "Planet Protectors Club Kit" - Member Card, Activity Books
  15. Kids--Free "Dr. Seuss" Lorax Activity Book and More
  16. Kids--Free Space Camp CD and Poster from
  17. Kids--Free "Louie the Lightning Bug" Safety Booklet
  18. Kids--Free "Wild About Healthy Vision" Activity Books ( ages 9-12 )
  19. Kids--Free Comic Books from the Federal Reserve Bank
  20. Kids--Free NASCAR Hero Card from PVA Racing
  21. Kids--Free "The Adventures of Julia and Robbie" from FEMA
  22. Kids--Free "The Amazing Spider-Man" Comic Book on Bullying
  23. Kids--Free "Yellow Ribbon" Kid's Safety Cards - Printable or Get by Mail
Home- Schooler's Freebies
  1. NCADI--Free Substance Abuse Prevention Posters, Products, Booklets, More
  2. USFA--Free Fire Safety Posters, Reports and Publications from USFA
  3. NHTSA--Free National Highway Traffic Safety Materials and Resources Catalog
  4. CDC--Free Posters, Stickers, Videos, Magazines, Fact Sheets, Booklets, Videos

  5. Teachers--Free Playmobil CD Set with Egyptian Characters to Teachers
  6. Teachers--Free "Beyond the Solar System" Magazine for Teachers
  7. Teachers--Free Lego Smart Kit ( Teachers and Educators only )
  8. Teachers--Free HALO Safe Sleep Resource Kit for Educators
  9. Teachers--Free 2009-2010 School Wellness Activation Kit
  10. Teachers--Free Software Demo CD from Zip Zoom English
  11. Teachers--Free Tiger Woods Action Plan for Teachers
  12. Teachers--Free Teaching Kit "The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep"
  13. Teachers--Free DVD Every Year You Teach from
  14. Teachers--Free Rescue Recess Kit
  15. Teachers--Free Planner and Folder samples from School Mate
  16. Teachers--Free sample of "Crayola" Overwriters (Educators only)
  17. Teachers--Free "Arthur" the Aardvark Teaching Guides from PBS (mail-in)
  18. Teachers--Free "The Gold Peanut" Guide and "The Gold Peanut" Comic Books
  19. Teachers--Free "Natural Gas" Educational Materials (grades K-12)
  20. Teachers--Free Handy Dandy Pocket Field Guide to Homeschooling
  21. Teachers--Free Stop Lock sample and Product Catalog (to School Officials only)
  22. Teachers--Free "Calendars for Kids" Recycling Program for Teachers from eCals
  23. Teachers--Free Educational Materials, Videos and Posters from the CCC
  24. Teachers--Free "Wall Street Journal" Classroom Edition and Teachers Guide
  25. Teachers--Free Classroom Teaching Materials from History Channel
  26. Teachers--Free Fun Felt Educational samples - For Kids, Parents & Teachers
  27. Teachers--Free "Turn It In" Service Detects Plagiarism in Student Papers
  28. Teachers--Free Teachers Kit - Bookcovers, Cards, Posters
  29. Teachers--Free US Postal Service Curriculum Kits and Guides
  30. Teachers--Free "Save the Manatee" Materials for Teachers and Students
  31. Teachers--Free "Scientific American Frontiers" Teaching Guides
  32. Teachers--Free "State Farm" Kits and Programs for Teachers and Schools
  33. Teachers--Free "At Home in America" and "Textbook News" Newspapers
  34. Teachers--Free US DOE Teaching Publications, Products, Resources, News
  35. Teachers--Free "Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition" and Teacher Guide
  36. Teachers--Free "Pear Bear" Education Kit from USA Pears
  37. Teachers--Free K-12 Educational Resource Materials
  38. Teachers--Free "Sea Turtle Migration Tracking" Educator's Guide
  39. Teachers--Free Teaching Kits, Videos, Magazine and Posters
  40. Teachers--Free Text Book Covers, Folders and Handbooks from PT Quigley

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